Fish Out of Water

Musings about life & travel from an East Coast native living on the Left Coast in the CA State Capitol since 2004 and now also spending time at a home-away-from-home in Evanston, IL. This fish has lived in Madison, WI (7 years); Portland, OR (2 years); Las Vegas, NV (7 months); Middlebury, VT (3 summers); Marne-la-Vallee, a small town east of Paris, France (6 months); Middletown, CT (3 years); & Marshfield, MA, the fish's coastal hometown 40 miles south of Boston (17 years).

Location: Sacramento, California, United States


Day 33: May is Bike Month!

In the Sacramento region, we celebrate May is Bike Month, with an overall regional challenge of trying to ride 2 million miles.  I started participating in this event and logging my daily miles about 4 years ago when I was still working at PPMM.  My bike commute to the office then was 3 miles each way, which isn't that long, but with warmer temps, I often got a bit hot and sweaty during the afternoon commute home...  However, I stuck with it and managed to bike almost every day, even though my bike at that time wasn't ideal.

Now that I'm at CPCA, my commute has decreased to 1 mile, which is awesome!  And my most common mode of commuting has become my bike, since it's faster than walking and not as time-dependent as relying on the Light Rail schedule.  So I've pledged to bike 50 miles in May - not very much, I know, but I'm just not really a recreational cyclist, and my biking is limited to commuting and errands and going out with Mr. E.  For me, 50 miles will actually be an effort, as I'll need to increase my biking days and distances, especially on the weekend.

I attended a kick-off event at Fremont Park this morning and met up with one of my colleagues, B (who hosted the Passover seder), to check it out.  By the time we got there, all of the treats from Yellowbill Bakery were long gone.  Drat!  Luckily, the storefront location is on the way to CPCA from the Park, so we stopped by to pick up some baked goodies for breakfast as we finished up the commute together.  Sort of nice to have a companion for the morning ride!


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