Fish Out of Water

Musings about life & travel from an East Coast native living on the Left Coast in the CA State Capitol since 2004 and now also spending time at a home-away-from-home in Evanston, IL. This fish has lived in Madison, WI (7 years); Portland, OR (2 years); Las Vegas, NV (7 months); Middlebury, VT (3 summers); Marne-la-Vallee, a small town east of Paris, France (6 months); Middletown, CT (3 years); & Marshfield, MA, the fish's coastal hometown 40 miles south of Boston (17 years).

Location: Sacramento, California, United States


Legislating Love

Good news on Wednesday! Go CA Assembly!

Bad news on Thursday... Boooooo, Ahh-nold!!!

I'm so tempted to approach the Governor the next time he's working out at the CAC to ask him to explain to my face why a woman shouldn't be allowed to marry the woman she loves or a man should be denied the right to marry the man he loves. When and how did politicians acquire the right and power to legislate love in this fashion? Who are they to determine that certain couples aren't as valid or meaningful as others?

And can someone please explain to me why it's just peachy for Britney Spears to take the idea of marriage so lightly that she hitches the knot in Vegas but ends the relationship less than 24 hours later and yet same-gender couples who have been committed to one another for years are deemed to be unworthy of marriage?

How can any thinking person even for a moment believe that this is appropriate?!

And for anyone who opposes gay marriage, I issue you a challenge: Explain to me how exactly you chose your spouse. How did you decide to love this person? What objective and rational criteria did you consider before you consciously told yourself, "I will love this man/woman and not another."? Please, explain this to me.

Because it's so obvious to me that we (of course) do not choose whom to love. Love happens. Love grows. Love develops for many, many reasons. But love is not a cold and objective decision that we can control at our whim.

I feel so lucky to have found my love, my life partner, my E. And I was fortunate enough to find a love of the opposite gender, so I didn't have to even think twice about our future together as a couple. But E could just as easily have been a woman, and then what would I have done? I wouldn't have loved her any less, but I also couldn't have gotten married.

Sometimes I feel guilty that it was so easy for me, that I can so easily "pass" as part of the straight majority even though I don't belong to that category.

No one should tell any loving couple that their love is somehow "less" than anyone else's. Gender doesn't matter. Love matters. And access to marriage - with all of the responsibilities, rights, and benefits - should be open to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LNJ agrees-

And more than agreeing, I have said the same myself. I am a strait male who likes women. That is me. In that, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to love whom I want. If this were 50 years ago, 100 years ago, etc. I wouldn't have been able to marry a certain race of female, let alone another male. When are politicians going to grow up and realize that God, sex, race, majority, minority, technology, and all the rest don't matter. It's about people; or at least, it should be and if it's about people it's not about God or race or abortion or same sex, it's about people living their lives as they see best, not how God sees best, or white people see best, or 45+ year old males see best, but as PEOPLE see best. Individual people. That's my rant. :)

9:26 PM  

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