Fish Out of Water

Musings about life & travel from an East Coast native living on the Left Coast in the CA State Capitol since 2004 and now also spending time at a home-away-from-home in Evanston, IL. This fish has lived in Madison, WI (7 years); Portland, OR (2 years); Las Vegas, NV (7 months); Middlebury, VT (3 summers); Marne-la-Vallee, a small town east of Paris, France (6 months); Middletown, CT (3 years); & Marshfield, MA, the fish's coastal hometown 40 miles south of Boston (17 years).

Location: Sacramento, California, United States


It's Been a Busy Month...

(this might help to explain why I haven't been posting on a regular basis for the past few weeks...)

June 1 -- J teach evening GMAT

June 4-5 -- E's parents here to visit

June 7 -- J attend PPMM annual lobby day @ state capitol

June 8 -- J teach evening GMAT

June 10-13 -- E's friend from Madison here to visit

June 13 -- J & E attend evening J-K-L Update workshop

June 15 -- J & E attend evening West End Office Projects public outreach workshop

June 17-19 -- J to Madison for theatre troupe rehearsal & meeting

June 21 -- J to Reno all day for PPMM Parental Notification Initiative retreat

June 22 -- J to Fresno all day for PPMM Morgan Scholarship luncheon

June 23-26 -- J to Las Vegas for Kaplan Trainer's Summit

June 27 -- J conduct evening Kaplan Teacher Open House

June 28 -- Friends from Madison over for dinner

June 29 -- J & E attend evening Central Plant Renovation public outreach workshop

All of this, of course, was in addition to my normal PPMM work schedule. And then looking ahead a bit to next month...

July 1-5 -- J & E to LA area for friend's wedding

July 11 -- AAA Baseball Home Run Derby @ Raley Field with LNJ & others

July 12 -- J conduct evening Kaplan Teacher Open House

July 13 -- AAA All-Star Game @ Raley Field with LNJ & others

July 14 -- J evening Kaplan training

July 15 -- J & E attend opening night reception/film for Sac French Film Festival (SFFF)

July 16-17 -- J & E attend several films for SFFF

July 18 -- J evening Kaplan training

July 20 -- J evening Kaplan training

July 21 -- J (& E?) attend evening Saratoga Townhomes HOA Board meeting

July 23-24 -- J & E attend several more films for 2nd weekend of SFFF

July 24 -- J evening reception for PPMM Teen Success Stakeholders meeting; E evening closing party for SFFF

July 25 -- J at PPMM Teen Success Stakeholders meeting all day

July 27 -- J evening GMAT class

July 28 -- J evening Kaplan training

Um... yeah... so I may not be updating too frequently next month either... but I think August gets a little better!!!



Just an FYI - I'll continue to add photos to the current "albums" and will likely add new links for different "albums" as well, so keep an eye on the list and click frequently! The "Race Events" photos have been updated with some pix from the River City Run, and the "Our Garden" album has a lovely picture at the very end of our recent harvest. Enjoy!

P.S. The Kodak Gallery photo site page asks you to register/log in to view the photos, but there's an option just under the sign-in boxes that allows you to view photos without registering, so feel free to take that route.


Results from River City Run

"Official" time = 52:53
(my clock read 52:52 & the race clock read 52:48 when I crossed the finish line, but I guess I shouldn't quibble about a few seconds, right?)
Overall Place = 59 out of 187 10K participants
Gender Place = 14 out of 98 total women
Division Place = 6 out of 29 women aged 30-39
Pace = 8:28 (approx.)

The scary part is that the woman who placed first in my division finished with a time of 40:14 and the first-place woman 10K runner overall finished in 40:04 and was actually in the next age bracket (she's 41)! Hmm. I guess I should look at this as being inspirational & something to strive for in my next decade, right?!


Photo Links

FYI - Since we now have two (yes, two... E received an older model from HP as a door prize for something) digital cameras, we've been taking lots o' digi photos and I finally got some time yesterday to try out a couple of online photo hosting sites. I think I like the Kodak Gallery better than Shutterfly, so check out the photo links on the side. More to come soon, I'm sure!